Friday, 1 June 2007

Guidelines to write a suicide letter

Guidelines to write a suicide letter

First to write a suicide letter, one needs to know whether he really means to commit suicide or he just means to scare people off around him. In this post I am giving guidelines to a person who actually wants to commit suicide.

1. Choosing of the paper.

While choosing the paper one needs to consider the following

It should indicate your sorrow, grief and anger.

It should be of matching colour with that of the writing pen.

As one says face is the index of mind. The letter is the index of your grief.

The paper should be of good quality should… it should last longer than you of course.

Considering the above points I would suggest to choose any colour other than black ,preferably white.

But bright fluorescent colors are not advisable.

2. Choosing the ink

It should be of matching color with that of the writing paper.( Not like writng on a brown paper
using black pen)

You can write using sketch pen , pen, pencil, blood ( risks are involved in this) , color pencil.

Write using only one instrument, don't use 2 or 3 kind of colors to give bright impression, It may mislead the reader , that you are writing the letter just for fun.

If you have followed my advice to choose white paper, a black or red pen is good.

Black indicate sorrow while red gives indication of anger and also makes him think that you have written using blood :)

Don’t use blood to write. It involves more danger than committing suicide itself by following means

Dogs can smell blood .

You may loose conciousness in extracting blood from your body.

3. Writing religious symbol on the top of the letter

You can write "shree", "om", "om ganeshaya namaha" on top of the letter , it implies you are a religious person. It may also help you to get some punya or so .

If you are an atheist , I request you not to write anything just for show off.

4. Language

You better write in a language which most of the people around you can understand , its not the time to show your expertise in your language or time for some cryptography.

5.Whom to address

You can address the letter to your beloved ones or to police depending on whom you trust more. You must remember that if you write it to some of your loved ones others are bound to get zealous.

6. What to write

1. Why did you commit suicide

2. What was your ambition in life

3. If you hate anyone their names.

4. Your last wish, if any

5. Whom do you love most

What not to write

1. Who should take care of your assets – You can write these only on a stamp paper attested by a notary, but remember no notary will sign for a suicide letter unless you pay him satisfactorly.

2. You should not write how are you going to commit suicide as it gives hint for them. How to save your life.

Enjoy whatever you are doing.

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Wide Thinking : Blogging after a long time

The various collection of topics from a lot of sources.

1. Psychological disorders in dolphins due to variation in global warming rate.

2. Fashion designed by Robert Clive and its effect in Fashion design in 1970's

3. Cooking varieties possible from Banana and its usage in day today life.

4. chemotherapy ill affects on Male Chimpanzees in Africa during 1955.

5. Solar energy applications in Prehistoric world.

6. Why cant 43 be the answer why it must be 42 itself.

7. Nostradamus predictions on 22th Indian Vice President.

8. The number of bad words used in first 20 minutes of the movie Departed

9. Who is better Larry Page or Sergey Brin

10. Person N : Open Sesame and the rock moves and the door opens.

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Moving Towers

March 14th

Today, with Physics department sponsorship, we the Physics Department students went to SriHariKota Satellite Launch Centre. They call it SHAR, an abbreviation of Sriharikota Range but I cannot understand how they got SHAR from Sriharikota Range. Its very hard to describe what I saw there, as it's nearly impossible to believe what I saw.

We left institute around 6 in the morning and reached there at 9. For the first time in institute, I got up as early as 4:45, but I felt it was worth it. The breakfast was nice , a thousand times better the the same old mess food. We were then taken to 2nd Satellite launch pad where a PSLV satellite is being integrated now. It was awesome.
The facility they had is an eighty meter tall building with a door nearly as tall. It can hold a PSLV, which is about 60 meters tall inside it. I personally felt PSLV is too thin, just 2.8 meters in diameter which is the size of a normal room. Its extremely difficult to believe, that they can actually transfer such a huge Rocket for 1 km on rails by just hinging them at the bottom using a just a single Bhogi.

The 1st launch pad was much more amazing. Its a 4000 ton metallic structure in which a satellite can be integrated. The plus point is that this structure can be moved on rails as if it is a car. We then went to the Launch Pad where just 4 weeks back the temperature was 3000k, during the last launch.
We also saw the control Station from which all the great satellites of INDIA have been launched. I really felt that our country is advancing at its best ability in this field.

Be proud to be an INDIAN !!!!

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Positive Thinking

Here are some tips on how to spend time constructively, from a man of great experience and wisdom.

1. Play Age of Empires for 4 hours a day.
Benefits : It increases your ability to locate small objects, increases your military strategies which are extremely useful during the next war waged by the George the 7th of Useless Storage of Arms. The manager is just trying to convert "useless" in the name of his stores to "useful". However if you don't like violence you can learn how to mine gold so that you can gift it to your love.

2. See 1 movie every 2 days.
Benefits : It improves your listening abilities (you can use them in the class if needed), teaches you how to act in very difficult situations (like what should you do when you are being attacked by alien spaceships, how to escape from a prison etc.) and more importantly your knowledge in that language.

3. Chat* with your room neighbors, if you don't have one, some friends will also do.
Benefits : Improves your general knowledge and communication skills.
*If you are an IITian and do not understand the meaning of chat it is also called "gen fart".

4. Orkutting for 1 hr.
(If you don't know what to do for one hour in orkut ,just visit your friends' friends' profiles)
Benefits : Makes you get involved more in society and helps others to know your tastes in various fields.

5. Watching 250 hours of a small MEGA Serial.
Benefits : As most of the serials nowadays deal with family problems, you may also get fruitful tips regarding them which you may use now or in the near future.

6. Checking my blog everyday for updates
Benefits:It may give you direct transmission from Alien ship 442.254 located in M-47 in Orion Crab Nebula, however it would be nice if you know how to read it.

Are you wondering how I got these many wonderful ideas? Lately I read many personality development books and the majority of them stress on positive thinking .One of them by Robin Sharma says "Don't think negatively at any cost."On reading these things I understood the importance of positive thinking and these are the first few positive thoughts that entered my mind, as soon as I finished that book.

"You liked this blog very much. If not, thinking positively my style of writing cannot be appreciated by an Идиот."
If you do not know the meaning of the above mentioned word, try to find it. Even if you don't succeed you will become aware of its meaning.

Thursday, 8 February 2007

Bugging e-mails

"If you forward this message to someone ,the poor old chappy in my street gets 10 cents . His condition is very pathetic ,please help him"
"Saddam Hussein got this message ,he did not bother to forward it to others so within 10 days USA attacked him and he was captured........A girl in my street got this message she did not forward it so her boyfriend ditched her as he met his ex-girlfriend again....An IITian got this message and he neglected ,he was caught while sleeping in the class.... The Oracle of Delphi told this to Alexander, and he didn't listen so he was killed during the war"

A completely jobless person's creations and everyone will forward it, either through fear or to waste time of others.It is worse to forward than to create , as the creator may at least sadistically feel happy while the forwarder wont even get that benefit.How can someone expect Google to give 10 cents to an arbit guy, which means google makes 10X42,743,635(no. of members of orkut)X3(average no. of messages per day) which is approximately equal to 12,000,000 dollars per day just by emails (not through advertisements). So the owner of google will become billionare in 90 days and he will be the richest man subsequently. Complete non sense.

The second one is equally bad. How can some strange curse or blessing be carried in boolean numbers through internet?Even if it is possible how come thousands of people get it at same time? Some people believe that their destinies will be written on Foreheads but these people believe that they will be written in their inbox or E-mail.

There is one more mail which I hate the most, its for those people who don't even know that when a message is forwarded their name will also be added at the top.

"Add your name to the list and see how far your name travels
Veerappan>>Saddam Husein>>Osama>>President Bush>>Manmohan Singh>>Musharaff>>

You may believe in any one of the above kind of mails, if you do don't forward it to me atleast.

Monday, 5 February 2007


Here are some of my favourite quotes

1."Every problem has either a solution or not, if it does there is no need to worry about it as it has a solution,,if it does not have ,then there is no reason to worry about it as there is no solution"
2."I not only use brains that I have,but all that I can borrow"
Woodrow Wilson
3. "I believe that a scientist looking at non-scientific problems is just as dumb a sthe next guy"
Richard P. Feynman

Sunday, 4 February 2007


Me and one of my friends(He is generally called by a 16th century English author called Charles _______) are unemployed, inspired by Self Employment schemes ,both of us have found a nice job of discussion of various socio-political phenomena.

Yesterday after watching GURU,he said the movie is nice but the last few minutes are full of non sense as they have shown some JUSTICE DEPARTMENT which does not exist in INDIA at all, the behavior of the judge was also ridiculous,I said you know tooo much of this stuff and hence you cannot appreciate this, I made a statement " One must be dumb to appreciate anything".
He obviously argued its not.I somehow managed to convince him I am right,I gave examples like how one can appreciate some color,not understanding the fact that its just the phenomena of light reflection,refraction and so on, hence all colors are should be considered same.Even making random choices is dumb as its not scientific.

At last now if you like this article you are dumb enough to appreciate the fact that two people can peacefully spend their time in IIT (The Technological brainy place of The Great INDIA)for hours together talking about a topic which is equally dumb.

Friday, 2 February 2007


Last week me and abhiram went to Triplicane beach, as it is near Uttaradhimuth. It was around 2 in the afternoon,I enjoyed the playing in water a lot it was awsom.However I lost one of my slippers there.I really didn't know what to do.So I searched the beach found an old slipper.(If you give it to an archaeologist he will estimate its age around 5 years.) It was completely torn in the bottom. But I somehow managed to come back to the room without getting noticed,at least that's what I think.

Red "How often one notices a man's shoes" from the movie Shawshank Redemption

Oscar Wilde "unmatching slippers are better than a single slipper"

Above : An Artistic Imagination of the Slipper found. Below : Comparison of it with a normal Slipper