Friday, 1 June 2007

Guidelines to write a suicide letter

Guidelines to write a suicide letter

First to write a suicide letter, one needs to know whether he really means to commit suicide or he just means to scare people off around him. In this post I am giving guidelines to a person who actually wants to commit suicide.

1. Choosing of the paper.

While choosing the paper one needs to consider the following

It should indicate your sorrow, grief and anger.

It should be of matching colour with that of the writing pen.

As one says face is the index of mind. The letter is the index of your grief.

The paper should be of good quality should… it should last longer than you of course.

Considering the above points I would suggest to choose any colour other than black ,preferably white.

But bright fluorescent colors are not advisable.

2. Choosing the ink

It should be of matching color with that of the writing paper.( Not like writng on a brown paper
using black pen)

You can write using sketch pen , pen, pencil, blood ( risks are involved in this) , color pencil.

Write using only one instrument, don't use 2 or 3 kind of colors to give bright impression, It may mislead the reader , that you are writing the letter just for fun.

If you have followed my advice to choose white paper, a black or red pen is good.

Black indicate sorrow while red gives indication of anger and also makes him think that you have written using blood :)

Don’t use blood to write. It involves more danger than committing suicide itself by following means

Dogs can smell blood .

You may loose conciousness in extracting blood from your body.

3. Writing religious symbol on the top of the letter

You can write "shree", "om", "om ganeshaya namaha" on top of the letter , it implies you are a religious person. It may also help you to get some punya or so .

If you are an atheist , I request you not to write anything just for show off.

4. Language

You better write in a language which most of the people around you can understand , its not the time to show your expertise in your language or time for some cryptography.

5.Whom to address

You can address the letter to your beloved ones or to police depending on whom you trust more. You must remember that if you write it to some of your loved ones others are bound to get zealous.

6. What to write

1. Why did you commit suicide

2. What was your ambition in life

3. If you hate anyone their names.

4. Your last wish, if any

5. Whom do you love most

What not to write

1. Who should take care of your assets – You can write these only on a stamp paper attested by a notary, but remember no notary will sign for a suicide letter unless you pay him satisfactorly.

2. You should not write how are you going to commit suicide as it gives hint for them. How to save your life.

Enjoy whatever you are doing.


Anonymous said...

pack level...did u drink appy before writing this???

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.