“Start the game already”
“Here comes the king of losers”
About 2 months back one would have heard these words while walking in our wing , the taunts of Age of Empires .
For those of you who does nor know Age of Empires is a bit addictive, once you are in to the game you will just spend your time till 1 in the night playing and after that you will watch recorded game. We had a clan called GS , for Gen Sli , A term invented by Sabu for AOE. We had 8 to 10 guys in our clan, from Godav and Alak. Some weekends we have played from 2 in afternoon to 2 in night.
Our standard of playing was prettydecent, better than many in IIT, but some like Hitler Kaka Beeper Bond were far better than us.
Our AOE in IIT started with Chunda and Sabu getting Computers. Initially we used to play 1 on 1. As we got more comps we started playing in teams. Our first senior opponent was Gollum. I still remember the way he started talking about AOE with us “Macha don’t get addicted da….” which is what even we say now to others.I used to spend nearly 3 hours everyday playing Age of Empires. But we have greatly improved from the days we started. Initially we used to play Death matches then, Imperial Age fights , Feudal Rush , Castle age Knights so on and so forth.
And just before quiz 1 it happened , one of the the great event of 21st century. Napoleon went home for weekend , On the Friday night me and Green Beret played 2 games after which we stopped playing AOE just like the way Forest Gump stopped running, for no good reason. We have not started again at least me , dickens and Green Beret .Its a month we played AOE , but Napoleon is still playing, sadly he still wants France under his thumb.
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