Sunday, 4 February 2007


Me and one of my friends(He is generally called by a 16th century English author called Charles _______) are unemployed, inspired by Self Employment schemes ,both of us have found a nice job of discussion of various socio-political phenomena.

Yesterday after watching GURU,he said the movie is nice but the last few minutes are full of non sense as they have shown some JUSTICE DEPARTMENT which does not exist in INDIA at all, the behavior of the judge was also ridiculous,I said you know tooo much of this stuff and hence you cannot appreciate this, I made a statement " One must be dumb to appreciate anything".
He obviously argued its not.I somehow managed to convince him I am right,I gave examples like how one can appreciate some color,not understanding the fact that its just the phenomena of light reflection,refraction and so on, hence all colors are should be considered same.Even making random choices is dumb as its not scientific.

At last now if you like this article you are dumb enough to appreciate the fact that two people can peacefully spend their time in IIT (The Technological brainy place of The Great INDIA)for hours together talking about a topic which is equally dumb.

1 comment:

kstar said...

I totally disagree with the fact that thinking of colour as "light-reflection" makes it unappreciable. This is nonsense. There is more beauty in the fact that the colour comes from the same phenomena as violin strings resonating with each other than the beauty that is there in the colour itself. This is one of the most wonderful things that Feynman has said in his books.
So, in fact, being knowledgeable about the facts can probably help you appreciate things more.